
Lobster: A Global History الكركند: تاريخٌ عالميّ

Find the English version below صدرت عن مركز أبوظبي للغة العربية، مشروع كلمة للترجمة، التابع لدائرة الثقافة والسياحة - أبوظبي، ترجمتي لكتاب "الكركند: تاريخٌ عالميّ"، لمؤلّفته إليزابيث تاونزند. يستكشِف الكتاب الأهمية…

Short Story Collection (In Arabic)

Writing short stories in Arabic has been an exhilarating and transformative creative journey for me. In the embrace of this beautiful language, I have discovered the power of brevity and the art of storytelling. Each…

A Poetry Collection (In Arabic)

Writing poetry in Arabic has been a deeply personal and soul-stirring journey for me. As an avid wordsmith and a lover of language, I found in Arabic poetry a canvas to express the depth of my emotions, reflections, and…

Social Innovation Labs (A Book In Arabic)

I authored this book in Arabic for a client who assigned me with the task of writing a book on this subject. The content of the book is largely dependent on the in-depth research I did in the resources available online,…